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  • What is Century 21?

    Century 21 is the storehouse of ideas. It collects ideas from the user and from the guest and keep here for other's reviews.

  • How this work?

    Here you can share your idea by clicking on Add an Idea. After writing your idea you will submit it here. Then the administrator of century 21 will approve it and the idea will be published. Other user can rate an idea by writing their reviews about the idea.

  • Why Post?

    If you want to share your ideas with the world or if you want to justify your ideas according the the ideas of other, then you will post here. The other will read it and make a comments or reviews about your idea.

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The most common question has to do with WHY should someone SHARE his/her Ideas?

The answer is the exact reason that this website is built. All ideas of all people have a value. It is very difficult though for people to materialise or in terms of $ capitalize those ideas. And is even more difficult for those ideas each one of us individually to patend them Globally. The amount of money required is enormous. So what most people with Ideas do is to burry them and forget them. Meantime someone else in another part of the world thinks the same Idea and makes it Reality. This Ends here , Now with this site. You post your ideas the Time and Date is Stamped for any reference and people view your ideas make suggestions +ve or -ve comments. We plan to promote this site to many Investors mostly from Europe , that need new Ideas.